Ethics Standards

All District government employees must maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, and impartiality. Employees of the Office of the Attorney General are responsible for the crucial job of providing legal services for the District government. It is essential that they carry out this responsibility consistent with the laws and regulations that establish how to do so ethically.

The brief description of the District’s ethics rules and regulations is provided as an overview. More detailed information is set out in the District’s Ethics Manual. It contains a helpful description of the District’s ethics restrictions, examples, questions and answers, and detailed references to the controlling legal authorities. The Manual is prepared by the District’s Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (BEGA) and is available under “Ethics Manual”.

You may also ask an ethics counselor, a BEGA attorney, or the DC Bar’s legal ethics counsel for further information. Their contact information is in the “Advice and further information” section.

Related Content: 

The District’s Code of Conduct and BEGA

Political Activity

Federal Restrictions

DC Bar Rules

Advice and Further Information