News & Updates

Celebrating Labor Day & the Workers Who Keep DC Running

Labor Day was created in the late 19th century—at a time when workers were often taken advantage of, not paid enough, and overworked. Many of them faced unsafe working conditions.

Press Release

AG Racine Releases 2022 Labor Day Report Highlighting OAG's Efforts To Help DC Workers Get the Wages & Benefits They Earned, and Announces Two Recent Victories on Behalf of District Workers

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today released the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) 2022 Labor Day Report, highlighting the office’s continued work over the past nearly eight years to stand up for District workers and hold employers accountable. Since 2017, OAG has launched more than 75…

Topics: Worker Rights

Defending Workers So Everyone Gets Their Hard-Earned Wages and Benefits

Workers are the backbone of the District and help make our city run. My office works hard every day to stand up for District workers and ensure that they aren’t taken advantage of or mistreated by their employers. We make sure workers receive the wages and benefits that they are entitled to,…

Topics: Worker Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Sues Janitorial Companies for Misclassifying Workers and Denying Them Hard-Earned Wages and Sick Leave

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today filed a lawsuit against Jan-Pro Franchising International and Jan-Pro of Washington, DC (referred to together as “Jan-Pro”) for operating a multilevel franchising scheme that misclassifies janitorial employees as independent contractors. Jan-Pro lured…

Topics: Worker Rights

The Office of the Attorney General’s Legal Victories Cracking Down on Wage Theft

Far too often, OAG has seen employers cheat District workers out of hard-earned wages and break the law to gain an unfair edge over competitors.

Topics: Worker Rights

Testimony on Paternity Establishment Amendment Act

OAG testified before DC Council about needed reforms to modernize our approach to establishing paternity.

Topics: Child Support
Press Release

AG Racine Sues Power Design, John Moriarty & Associates of Virginia, & Multiple Labor Brokers for Cheating Hundreds of Workers Out of Wages & Benefits

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced a new lawsuit against Power Design, Inc., an electrical contractor that has worked on dozens of development projects in the District, for illegally reducing labor costs by cheating hundreds of workers out of wages and benefits—and alleging that…

Topics: Worker Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Announces Construction Company Must Pay Over $1 Million to Resolve Workers' Rights Lawsuit, Including to Impacted Workers

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that Dynamic Contracting, Inc., a construction company that specializes in drywall installation, will pay $1,075,070 to workers and the District to resolve allegations that it engaged in a scheme that enabled the company to avoid paying workers…

Topics: Worker Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Announces Wage Theft Lawsuit Against Company Operating Supported-Living Homes for Denying Frontline Workers Their Full Wages During the Pandemic

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced a wage theft lawsuit against a company operating supported-living facilities and its former owners for denying frontline health care workers the wages they were due after working extended hours for patients during the heart of the COVID-…

Topics: Worker Rights