Filing Notice of a Claim Against DC

Individuals wishing to file claims against the District of Columbia Government for unliquidated damages (loss, damage, or injury), must file a Notice of Claim letter within six months of the date of the incident pursuant to the below specifications.

What to include in the Notice of Claim letter

The Notice of Claim letter must contain the items numbered 1-5 below, which are required by statute (D.C. Official Code § 12-309, which can be accessed through the hyperlink above). If the statutory requirements are not satisfied, the claim will be denied. Under certain circumstances, reports of the Metropolitan Police Department may also satisfy the notice requirement, provided that they contain all of the information required by the statute.

Notice letters MUST include:

  1. The identity of the claimant (please include enough information to identify and contact the claimant, which may include home address, work and home phone numbers, and date of birth)
  2. The date and approximate time of the incident
  3. The location of the incident
  4. The cause of the damage or injury
  5. The circumstances under which the damage or injury was sustained (explain, in detail, why the District of Columbia should be liable for the damage or injury).

Please also include the following information or documents if available at the time you provide your initial notice to the District of Columbia.  Although this information is not required, it will assist the assigned investigator in assessing your claim:

  • Any police or other reports related to the incident
  • Documents showing ownership at the time of the damage and original cost of damaged items
  • Estimates for repairs
  • Medical bills and/or medical reports

How to submit the Notice of Claim letter

Notice of Claim letters must be RECEIVED by the Office of Risk Management within six months of the date of the incident. Only the Office of Risk Management is authorized to accept such letters on behalf of the Mayor.

The mailing address for the Notice of Claim letter is:

Office of Risk Management
ATTN: Claims
441 4th Street, NW, Suite 800 South
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 727-8600

Within approximately 30 days after receipt of the claim, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the claimant that will provide the claim number and the identity of the investigator assigned to the claim. If you have occasion to contact the Office of the Attorney General while your claim is being processed, please reference the claim number and investigator.

For claims filed under the District of Columbia Human Rights Act or the District of Columbia Whistleblower Protection Act, or for claims alleging a violation of a federal statute, including claims alleging a Constitutional violation, the above notice provisions do not apply. Additionally, the above notice provisions do not apply to claims seeking liquidated damages, such as enforcement of a contract or claims that solely seek equitable relief.