News & Updates


Testimony on Paternity Establishment Amendment Act

OAG testified before DC Council about needed reforms to modernize our approach to establishing paternity.

Topics: Child Support

Making DC Safer, in the Short and Long Term

Our most important role is to help protect our neighbors—and we take that job very seriously.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Statement on OAG's Prosecution of Juvenile Violent Crime

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today issued the following statement about the Office of the Attorney General (OAG)’s prosecution of violent crime by juveniles. OAG prosecutes all incidents of violent crime committed by juveniles, where there is sufficient evidence to do so. These efforts are…

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Files a Notice of Appeal in Purdue Pharma & Sackler Bankruptcy Plan

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that he filed a notice of appeal in Purdue Pharma’s flawed bankruptcy plan. He asserted that the plan is inadequate, and that a bankruptcy court does not have the authority to prevent attorneys general from enforcing state law, including the…

Topics: Public Safety

OAG Testimony on B24-0063, the “Second Chance Amendment Act of 2021” and B24-0110, the “Criminal Record Expungement Amendment Act of 2021”

Statement of Jeminé Trouth, Assistant Chief of the Criminal Section with the Public Safety Division, Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

Coalition of 24 Attorneys General Express Opposition to Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma's Bankruptcy Plan

Attorney General Karl A. Racine joined 23 other state attorneys general in issuing a statement expressing disappointment in a plan filed by opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma in bankruptcy court.

Press Release

AG Racine Leads Coalition of 18 Attorneys General Backing New Jersey’s Limits on Local Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a group of 18 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief defending a New Jersey policy that limits cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities.

Topics: Public Safety

OP-ED: D.C.’s gun laws may have saved our democracy

Strict gun laws do not fully stifle those with direct lawless intent, but they do greatly reduce destructive potential.

Topics: Public Safety