2006 NHTSA SFST Manual

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reference: HS 178 R8/06

2006 Participant Manual for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) course [182 pgs]

The procedures outlined in this manual describe how the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) are to be administered under ideal conditions in the field, because such conditions will not always exist. Even when administered under less than ideal conditions, they will generally serve as valid and useful indicators of impairment. Slight variations from the ideal, i.e., the inability to find a perfectly smooth surface at roadside, may have some affect on the evidentiary weight given to the results. However, this does not necessarily make the SFSTs invalid.


I. Introduction and Overview
II. Detection and General Deterrence
III. The Legal Environment
IV. Overview of Detection, Note-Taking and Testimony
V. Phase One: Vehicle in Motion
VI. Phase Two: Personal Contact
VII. Phase Three: Pre-arrest Screening
VIII. Concepts and Principles of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
IX. Test Battery Demonstrations
X. "Dry Run" Practice Session
XI. "Testing Subjects" Practice: First Session
XII. Processing the Arrested Suspect and Preparation for Trial
XIII. Report Writing Exercise and Moot Court
XIV. "Testing Subjects" Practice: Second Session
XV. Review and Proficiency Examinations
XVI. Written Examination and Program Conclusion

PL False Claims Act

OAG can bring court actions against those who violate the False Claims Act by making false claims to the District Government for the purpose of improperly obtaining or retaining government funds. Examples of False Claims Act violators include contractors and grantees who seek to have the District pay for work that was not fully or properly performed. Many of the District's False Claims Act recoveries are for Medicaid fraud. OAG may recover treble damages, civil penalties, and attorney’s fees for violations of the District’s False Claims Act, DC Code §§ 2-381.01 to 2-381.09.

Form for Reporting Suspected Fraud Against the Government

Links to Selected False Claims Act Provisions