Attorney General Schwalb Issues Statement on Google Antitrust Lawsuit Ruling

WASHINGTON, DC – Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today issued the below statement following the United States District Court’s ruling that Google, LLC (Google) has illegally maintained monopolies in multiple markets. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and a bipartisan coalition of 37 other state attorneys general filed a lawsuit alleging antitrust violations regarding Google’s anticompetitive practices in the online search markets.

“Google’s business practices have long stifled competition and innovation in the lucrative online search markets, which the vast majority of people depend on and interact with every single day. No company, no matter how large or powerful, should be able to maintain industry dominance by illegally thwarting its competitors,” said Attorney General Schwalb. “I’m proud to have worked alongside the Department of Justice and my state AG counterparts to secure this significant victory, which will help increase choice for District residents and consumers across the country while leveling the playing field for businesses that are playing by the rules.”

Judge Amit P. Mehta’s opinion is available here.