Attorney General Schwalb Urges Congress to Vote Against DC Crimes Act

Joint Letter with Mayor Bowser & Chairman Mendelson Criticizes Bill That Would Prevent Action on Crime, Make District Residents Less Safe

WASHINGTON, DC – Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb, alongside Mayor Muriel Bowser and Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, sent a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, urging them to vote against the DC Crimes Act, which is before the U.S. House of Representatives today for a floor vote.

“Congress cannot have it both ways – they cannot both criticize DC’s crime rate and then block our every attempt to reduce crime,” said Attorney General Schwalb. “If passed, this bill would prevent DC leaders from taking critical steps needed to improve public safety and protect District residents – including efforts to increase criminal penalties or create new categories of offenses. This is pure political theatre from national politicians attempting to score points for their next hometown election. It won’t make us safer, and in fact will put the lives of everyone who lives, works, and visits DC at greater risk. Congress should remember the principles of self-governance and local autonomy on which this country was founded, and focus on the problems that their own constituents – thousands of miles away – elected them to solve.”

The full letter is available here.