News & Updates

Keeping Older Residents Safe & Hate Crimes Bill Signed into Law

May is Older Americans Month, and it’s a time for us to honor and show our appreciation for those in our own lives: the grandparents, great grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, cousins, neighbors, friends, and more.

Topics: Other

Convening Against Anti-AAPI Hate

Our country faces a reckoning as the pandemic has laid bare many of the disparities and biases that have only been exacerbated during the past year.

Topics: Other

Championing DC Statehood

DC is my home. I was raised here. I’ve seen how much DC has grown and changed over the years. I’ve been proud to get to know many others raised in DC, and to welcome new residents who have settled in and made it their home too.  

Topics: Other

Conversations on Combating Hate

We have a hate problem in this country. And sadly, we’re trending in the wrong direction.

Topics: Other

AG Racine Announces the 2021 Artist v. Hate Contest Winners

This week, AG Racine announced the winners for OAG and Project Create DC’s Artists v. Hate contest.

Topics: Civil Rights

Confronting Anti-Asian Hate

This past year has been challenging for everyone: physically, emotionally, mentally, and economically.

Topics: Other

Know Your Rights: The Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020

A new law, the Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020, takes effect on March 16, 2021. The law bans the use of non-compete clauses for most workers in the District.     

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month gives well deserved recognition to women and their contributions, achievements, and roles in society throughout history.

Topics: Other

Stopping Charity Fundraising Phone Scams: What Consumers Need to Know

This week, the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, along with the Federal Trade Commission and 46 agencies from 38 states, shut down the operators of a massive and long-running charity fundraising phone scam.