News & Updates

Press Release

AG Racine Introduces Legislation to Crack Down on Contracting Fraud that Harms Local Small Businesses

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today introduced the “Small and Certified Business Enterprise Protection and Enforcement Amendment Act of 2019,” which would increase penalties on non-District companies that cheat to gain preferential treatment in local government contracting and increase…

Press Release

AG Racine's Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision Blocking the Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census

Attorney General Karl A. Racine issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision blocking the Trump Administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine's New Civil Rights Team Takes Action to Fight Housing Discrimination

The Office of the Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced the launch of a new Civil Rights Section and several actions this new office is taking as part of a broad effort to protect District residents from housing discrimination and other civil rights violations.

Press Release

AG Racine Statement On Alleged Hate Crime And Robbery Against Two Members Of The District’s LGBTQ Community

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today issued the following statement about the alleged hate crime and robbery that took place against a gay couple on U Street NW on Sunday, June 16, 2019.

Press Release

AG Racine Sues Three Neglectful Building Owners for Endangering District Residents' Health and Safety

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced his office has filed three new lawsuits against neglectful owners and managers of a Ward 5 apartment complex and two Ward 8 commercial properties for endangering the health and safety of District residents.

Topics: Tenant Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Joins Multistate Coalition To Block T-Mobile And Sprint Megamerger

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today joined nine states in filing a multistate lawsuit to stop the merger of telecom giants T-Mobile and Sprint.

Press Release

AG Racine Files Court Brief Arguing that D.C. Residents are Harmed by Lack of Congressional Representation

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that his office filed a friend-of-the-court brief asserting that residents of the District of Columbia deserve full voting rights and are harmed by their lack of congressional representation.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Sues Six MD Parents in Crackdown on Residency Fraud at D.C. Schools

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced lawsuits against six Maryland parents—including three current or former District government employees—for falsifying District residency to send their children to District schools for free.

Press Release

AG Racine’s Statement Supporting the Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019

Attorney General Karl A. Racine released the following statement in support of Councilmember Robert White’s introduction of the Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019.

Topics: Civil Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Sues Purdue Pharma and Richard Sackler for Misleading District Patients and Doctors to Increase Opioid Drug Sales

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today sued opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma L.P., Purdue Pharma Inc., and a former top executive, Dr. Richard Sackler, for making false and misleading claims about the safety and effectiveness of opioids to get more people to take these addictive drugs and to…