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Press Release

AG Racine Leads 19-State Coalition Opposing Trump Policy Change That Discourages Legal Immigrants, Families from Using Public Benefits

Attorney General Karl A. Racine and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today led a coalition of 19 states in a friend-of-the-court brief opposing a Trump administration policy that could discourages tens of thousands of legal immigrants in the District and across the country from…

Topics: Immigration

Standing Up for Asylum-Seekers: Opposing Trump’s “Turnback Policy”

AG Racine joined a coalition of 20 AGs in opposing The Trump administration’s new "Turnback Policy," which unlawfully denies individuals access to the asylum process at ports of entry and turns them away.

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Leads 22-State Coalition Against Trump Effort Threatening Legal Status of Long-Time U.S. Residents

Attorney General Karl A. Racine led a coalition of 22 attorneys general in filing a friend-of-the-court brief seeking to stop the Trump administration’s attempt to strip longtime residents of their rights to live and work in the United States, making them subject to possible deportation.

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

Fiscal General Racine combate propuesta de ley sobre “carga pública” de la Administración Trump que ataca a inmigrantes legales y sus familias

El Fiscal General Karl A. Racine presentó ayer comentarios oponiéndose firmemente a una ley propuesta por la Administración Trump que podría forzar a miles de inmigrantes legales del Distrito y millones a nivel nacional a arriesgar su futuro estatus migratorio legal si acceden a servicios…

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Fights Trump Administration "Public Charge" Rule Proposal Attacking Legal Immigrants and Their Families

Attorney General Karl A. Racine yesterday filed comments strongly opposing a proposed Trump Administration rule that could force thousands of legal immigrants in the District and millions nationwide to risk their future legal immigration status if they access basic services for themselves and…

Topics: Immigration

HEADS UP: Child Support Services Office Opens at 1:00pm on Dec. 6

OAG’s Child Support Services Division (CSSD) will be closed on Thursday morning, December 6 and will resume normal operations at 1:00pm.

Topics: Child Support

Working to Reunite Detained Migrant Children with Family and Loved Ones

Today, AG Racine and several states called on the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to stop this harmful and unnecessary policy.

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Leads 13-State Coalition Fighting Trump's Attempt to Block State Law That Protects All Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a group of 13 state attorneys general to defend a California law that limits when and how local law enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

Topics: Immigration

Protecting Detained Immigrant Children

Earlier this summer, the Trump administration put forth a policy of separating families crossing the nation’s southern border. 

Press Release

AG Racine Sues ICE for Answers About Immigration Crackdowns in DC

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today filed a lawsuit seeking to force U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials to provide answers about recent ICE enforcement actions in the District.

Topics: Immigration