The Conciliation Process




CSSD offers the Conciliation Process for parents, who largely agree, to resolve their parentage and/or child support matters with CSSD assistance and to present a consent order to the court.

How does Conciliation Process work?

The child’s parents meet with a CSSD attorney in a virtual conference.  If the parents can reach agreement on their parentage and/or support issues, the CSSD attorney prepares a consent order.  Both parents, as well as the attorneys present, sign the proposed order electronically.  That order then is sent to the judge for signature.

The judge has the option to schedule a virtual hearing to ensure that the order is accurate and the parents understood their rights, but that rarely happens.  In most instances, after the order is sent to the court, the judge signs it.  Copies are sent to the parents and the attorneys electronically, and the parents are expected to abide by the terms outlined in the order.

This all usually happens without a formal court appearance and in a much shorter timeframe than the traditional process.


Can a parent’s attorney participate in the Conciliation conference?

Yes.  If either parent wishes to have a private attorney join the conference, they may do so.  Also, CSSD has arranged for legal advocacy groups in the area to be available for customers who wish to have an attorney present but have not secured their own.

¿Estás en estado de ebriedad? No hay tiempo para conducir: Desafío en vídeo para estudiantes de secundaria de DC

No Time to Drive Graphic (Spanish)

¿Estás en estado de ebriedad? No hay tiempo para conducir: Desafío en vídeo para estudiantes de secundaria de DC

Conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol o las drogas pone en riesgo su vida, la de otras personas en el automóvil y la de otras personas en la carretera. Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, cada día mueren 29 personas en los Estados Unidos en accidentes automovilísticos en los que participa un conductor ebrio. Esto equivale a una muerte cada 50 minutos. Y, lamentablemente, uno de cada 10 estudiantes de secundaria conduce bajo los efectos del alcohol. 

Pero podemos ayudar a cambiar esta trayectoria. Hacemos un llamado a los estudiantes de secundaria de DC para que ayuden. 

¿Los discapacitados? El concurso anual de videos No Time to Drive desafía a los estudiantes de secundaria como usted a crear videos cortos para ayudar a informar a sus compañeros sobre las consecuencias de conducir en estado de ebriedad. Estos videos podrían ayudarlo a ganar hasta 10 horas de servicio comunitario que necesita para graduarse y, como beneficio adicional, tendrá la oportunidad de ganar premios. Esperamos que utilice su creatividad para ayudar a explicar a sus compañeros por qué no deberían conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol o las drogas. 

Para el concurso de este año, debe enviar sus videos antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. Los videos ganadores se anunciarán el 18 de marzo de 2024. Los videos se publicarán en la página de YouTube de la Oficina del Procurador General y potencialmente en otras plataformas de redes sociales. Los vídeos de los ganadores del concurso anterior se pueden ver aquí


  • Decide si vas a crear el video tú mismo o trabajarás en equipo con otros estudiantes en un video (los equipos pueden incluir hasta 4 estudiantes de la misma escuela). 
  • Filma tu video (mínimo de 30 segundos y máximo de 60 segundos de duración) 
  • Complete el formulario del concurso a continuación (también vinculado aquí). 
  • Los vídeos deben grabarse en horizontal. 
  • Los videos podrán mostrar un título al inicio y deberán proporcionar créditos al final. Los créditos no cuentan en los 60 segundos de duración máxima del vídeo. Los créditos deben incluir: 
    • Nombre del estudiante que trabajó en el video y sus calificaciones. 
    • Escuela del DC a la que asisten los estudiantes 
  • ¡Se creativo y Diviertete! 

Regístrese y envíe: 

  • Complete el formulario “Consentimiento para participar en un concurso de redes sociales para conductores bajo los efectos del alcohol para involucrar a los jóvenes en la prevención de muertes por accidentes de tránsito y desalentar el Acuerdo de subvención/liberación/exención de medios para conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol” (“Acuerdo”) disponible aquí o descárguelo aquí. Asegúrese de completar y enviar un Acuerdo firmado para cada miembro del equipo que trabajó en el envío
  • Envíe su Acuerdo y formulario de inscripción a antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. 
  • Envíe videos únicamente al siguiente enlace de OAG BOX antes del 1 de marzo de 2024; no se aceptarán otros sitios de envío. 
  • Escriba “¿Discapacitado? No hay tiempo para conducir” en la línea de asunto. 
  • Si descarga el formulario de registro y el acuerdo, incluya los formularios completos en el correo electrónico. Si los envió a través de este sitio web, no es necesario que los incluya en el correo electrónico.

Envíe cualquier pregunta o comentario a 

Consejos para los vídeos: 

  • Investigar los efectos del consumo de alcohol y/o drogas en la capacidad de una persona para conducir y las consecuencias de conducir en estado de ebriedad. 
  • Habla lenta y claramente para que tus palabras sean entendidas por el público y los jueces. 
  • Asegúrese de que la música o los sonidos de fondo no interfieran con el diálogo hablado. 
  • El texto, el tamaño y la visualización de la pantalla deben ser legibles. 
  • Los envíos deben tener una duración mínima de 30 segundos y máxima de 60 segundos. Las pizarras y los créditos no se pueden superponer en el video ni incluirse en la asignación de 30 a 60 segundos. Las inscripciones que duren menos de 30 segundos o más de 60 segundos serán descalificadas. 
  • Los envíos deben tener menos de 50 GB. 

Las reglas del concurso: 

  • La fecha límite para enviar la inscripción y el video es el 1 de marzo de 2024. 
  • Los ganadores se anunciarán el 18 de marzo de 2024. 
  • Su video debe abordar la concientización sobre la seguridad al conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol y las mejores prácticas. 
  • Las entradas deben tener una duración de entre 30 y 60 segundos. 
  • Las participaciones deben tener un tamaño inferior a 50 GB. 
  • Las inscripciones pueden ser enviadas individualmente o por un equipo de hasta 4 miembros de la misma escuela. 
  • Cada estudiante que participe en el concurso deberá figurar en el formulario de inscripción. 
  • Sólo una inscripción por estudiante. Si un estudiante participa en la creación de más de un video, todas las participaciones de ese estudiante serán descalificadas. 
  • No se permite asistencia profesional. 
  • No se permite el uso de material protegido por derechos de autor, incluida música de fondo y logotipos de empresas en la ropa o en otros lugares. 
  • Los envíos no deben contener imágenes inapropiadas o explícitas ni malas palabras. 
  • Se otorgarán 10 horas de servicio comunitario a cada concursante por los videos calificados enviados exitosamente antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. Las horas de servicio comunitario se otorgarán a los estudiantes a más tardar al final del año escolar 2023-2024. 
  • Se aceptarán envíos de videos tanto en inglés como en español. 
  • Un grupo de jueces determinará los ganadores. Todas las determinaciones de los jueces son definitivas. 
  • Los videos ganadores se pueden publicar en las cuentas de redes sociales de cualquiera de los patrocinadores del concurso, incluidos, entre otros, la Oficina del Procurador General, las Escuelas Públicas de DC y el Departamento de Transporte del Distrito. 
Gift Card

Agencias y organizaciones patrocinadoras 

Sponsor Logos

Domestic Worker Employment Rights Program

The Domestic Worker Employment Rights Amendment Act of 2022 established the Domestic Worker Employment Rights Grant Program at the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia (OAG) in fiscal year 2024. The purpose is to provide grants to community-based organizations working to develop educational materials for domestic workers and hiring entities, including safety and health information.

Fiscal Year 2024 Grants      

Through a competitive process two grants were awarded to two DC based organizations working to extend, protect, ensure dignity, respect, fairness, and a safe working environment for domestic workers in the District. Many Languages One Voice, and National Domestic Workers Alliance-DMV Chapter received awards under the Domestic Worker Employment Rights Grant Program.

Many Languages One Voice (MLOV): MLOV is a BIPOC immigrant-led organization that empowers low-income immigrant communities of color in Washington, DC to access opportunities, impact change, and advance immigrant rights. It seeks to address the needs of its members and amplify their voices to find solutions to the systemic inequities that impact their lives. Founded in 2010, MLOV’s mission is to foster leadership and greater civic participation of immigrants who do not speak English as a primary language.

Through the “Immigrant Domestic Worker Rights Project” MLOV seeks to conduct education and outreach to domestic workers, hiring entities, and the public about the rights of domestic workers. This project will focus on reaching domestic workers who are at highest risk for exploitation/unfair labor practices, e.g., BIPOC women, immigrants, those with limited English proficient /non-English proficient, undocumented residents, and those employed by foreign diplomats/international families. This project will deliver: “Know Your Rights” workshops, hazard guidance, community outreach and education in various languages: English, Spanish, Amharic, Chinese, French, and Vietnamese. This proposed work will also integrate workers education and hazard guidance in its existing cohort program, which engages community members over periods of 5 - 18 weeks.

National Domestic Workers Alliance-DMV Chapter (NDWA-DMV Chapter): The NDWA Washington DC-Virginia-Maryland (DMV) Chapter organizes domestic workers for better wages and improved working conditions. The organization also plays a lead role in local coalitions to win rights, recognition, and safety for all low-wage workers. The organization played a key role in winning the DC Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and the Virginia Domestic Workers Bill of Rights — the first Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in the South! Its multilingual membership meetings and leadership development trainings are spaces for domestic workers to build community and deepen skills to lead in the organization, its community, and the domestic worker movement.

Through the “D.C. Domestic Worker Empowerment Initiative” NDWA-DMV Chapter seeks to provide domestic workers with a better understanding of their legal rights and how to put those rights into practice, as well as play a direct role in shaping health and safety guidance in partnership with Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative. This program will focus on training domestic workers, conducting outreach to Washington, DC’s domestic workforce and educating workers about their new rights under the newly passed DC Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. The program proposes creating hazard and safety guidance in both English and Spanish, coupled with the creation of a training curriculum to share safety information, based on recommendations and key concerns from domestic workers

Do the Write Thing (DtWT) 2024

Do the Write Thing Logo

What is the Do the Write Thing Challenge?

Do the Write Thing (DtWT) is a national writing program that gives middle school students the chance to speak out about how violence affects their lives and share their ideas about what must be done to stop it. This program allows the students to become community catalysts, as they examine the root causes and impact of youth violence. The Office of the Attorney General has sponsored the program since 2015. Annually, OAG selects two students to serve as Washington DC.’s National Ambassadors, based on their writing. The Ambassadors are honored at the DtWT National Recognition Week in Washington, DC, where they meet with other student ambassadors, senators, and congressmen for discussion on youth violence issues. A book of the writings of each city’s Ambassadors is inducted in United States Library of Congress.

Do the Write Thing Trio
DtWT Recognition Dinner

Students Write, We Listen.

The Office of the Attorney General is committed to listening to community members and collaborating with local leaders, and that includes our young people. Each year, students are rising to the challenge of doing something to end youth violence through powerful writings. Through classroom discussions and writings, students communicate what they think should be done to reduce youth violence. In addition, they make personal commitments to do something about this problem.

"We as a community can stop youth violence by showing kids better things in life."

"Social media, rappers, family, and the community have poorly influenced this young generation."

"I feel unprotected when walking to school because you don't know what could happen."

"I know that [my Dad] wouldn't want me crying but I can't help it. He was one of my heroes that I will never forget."

 Below are guidelines and resources about the challenge.


Submission Guidelines

Who Can Enter Do the Write Thing?

Open to all middle school students, grades 6-8.

Entry Format

  • Written in English only.
  • Approximately 500-1,000 words (Works of poetry may be shorter)
  • Typed (preferred) or hand-written in black ink.
  • Submitted on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
  • Single-sided pages.
  • Numbered pages.

Entry Content

  • Any form of written expression (e.g. essays, poems, plays, songs)
  • Entries must address the following questions:
    • How has violence affected my life?
    • What are the causes of youth violence?
    • What can I do to reduce youth violence?
  • Positive and non-derogatory language.
  • Fictional writings must be identified as such (Strong preference will be given to non-fiction writings).
  • Writings based upon plagiarism will not be considered.
  • Credit must be given to outside sources.

Entry Submission

  • Entries must be written by only one student.
  • "Cover Sheet" with signed consent statement (by student and a parent/guardian) must be included
    • See the attached Cover Sheet at the end of this packet.
    • Entries without a signed Cover Sheet will not be considered.
  • No personal contact information should appear on the body of the written entry.
  • Entries must be submitted in the form they are received.
  • Editing by someone other than the student is not permitted.

Review These Resources Prior to Submitting an Entry

Educator Packet (for School Administrators)

Principal Letter (for School Administrators)

Cover Sheet (for Students)

Where Do I Submit My Entry?

All submissions are due by Friday, April 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Click here to submit an entry.

For More Information

For more information, please contact Ty Knight at

DC Superior Court Resources

DC Superior Court Resources

The DC Superior Court is an important source of information regarding the steps involved to navigate a variety of family law situations.

Family Court Self-Help Center

The DC Superior Court Family Court Self-Help Center is a free, walk-in service that provides general legal information to people without attorneys in a variety of family law matters, such as divorce, custody, visitation, and child support.

Moultrie Courthouse
500 Indiana Avenue, NW, JM-570
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 879-1212

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
(No intakes accepted after 4:30 pm)

Domestic Relations:
Phone: (202) 879-1261

Family Court Operations Division

The DC Superior Court Family Court hears the following types of cases: child abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency, adoption, custody, guardianship, visitation, paternity, child support, termination of parental rights, as well as mental health and mental habilitation.

Moultrie Courthouse
500 Indiana Avenue, NW
John Marshall Level, East Wing, JM 540
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 879-1212

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Voicemail, 24 hours
Filings can be made in the after-hours filing box in the lobby of the Moultrie Courthouse.

DC Superior Court Remote Hearing Instructions

The DC Superior Court provides instructions for people whose court hearings are being held remotely rather than onsite at the court. For information, please click here.

CSSD Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles




The District of Columbia Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Services Division (CSSD or Division) is authorized under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act to provide services to assist families.  CSSD helps many families to transition from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and its assistance keeps other families from needing to seek public assistance at all.

The CSSD Mission

CSSD is dedicated to establishing parentage and obtaining child support in order to encourage responsible parenting, family self-sufficiency and child wellbeing and to recognize the essential role of both parents in supporting their children.

The District’s child support program assures that assistance in obtaining support is available to children through locating parents, establishing parentage, establishing and modifying child support obligations, monitoring and enforcing those obligations, and assisting with barriers to employment.

The CSSD Vision

The District of Columbia Child Support Services Division, in order to enhance the lives of the District’s children, is dedicated to strengthening families through the provision of services that result in the establishment of parentage and support, the collection of appropriate and consistent payments, and the promotion of both parents’ involvement with their children.

To that end, the program will provide outstanding customer service to both custodial and noncustodial parents, create a dynamic and innovative work environment, and continue to recognize the value of our employees.

CSSD's Guiding Principles

Children First

We believe in a shared commitment among parents, communities, and agencies to put the wellbeing of children above all else.

Quality Customer Service

We are committed to providing timely, courteous, and responsive services to our customers and coworkers.  This includes interacting in a meaningful way to set appropriate customer expectations.

Cooperative Partnerships

We promote sharing, cooperation, and joint efforts with families, communities, and agencies in an environment of trust and open communication.

Integrity and Ethical Conduct

We uphold the highest ethical standards of personal and professional conduct, not allowing personal interests or beliefs to interfere with our professional responsibility.

Operational Excellence

We proactively seek the most efficient and effective ways to meet the needs of children and families.

Trợ giúp dành cho các bậc cha mẹ được yêu cầu trả tiền cấp dưỡng (Help for Parents Ordered to Pay Support - Vietnamese)

Cha mẹ có trách nhiệm thanh toán tất cả các khoản cấp dưỡng con cái đã đặt hàng. Tuy nhiên, khi cha mẹ được lệnh phải trả tiền cấp dưỡng, nhưng gặp khó khăn, thì có những chương trình và thông tin khác có thể giúp cha mẹ thực hiện nghĩa vụ này.

Trung tâm giải pháp thay thế

CSSD đã tạo Trung tâm Giải pháp Thay thế (ASC) . ASC là một chương trình giới thiệu dịch vụ và phát triển lực lượng lao động nội bộ dành cho khách hàng trong các trường hợp CSSD. Thông qua ASC, phụ huynh có thể tham gia chương trình đào tạo sẵn sàng cho công việc; được kết nối với một loạt các dịch vụ xã hội hoặc cộng đồng; và nhận được sự hướng dẫn khi họ tìm kiếm việc làm lâu dài, ổn định.

tòa án cha

Tòa  Án Làm Cha  là một chương trình mang đến những cơ hội mới cho các bậc cha mẹ được yêu cầu trả tiền cấp dưỡng để họ có thể chu cấp tốt hơn cho con cái của mình. Chương trình cung cấp dịch vụ đào tạo nghề, tư vấn, việc làm và tiếp cận tư pháp. Những người tham gia sẽ được giáo dục, tư vấn và khuyến khích đặt nhu cầu của con cái họ lên hàng đầu.

Khởi đầu mới

Khởi đầu mới  là một chương trình xóa nợ được cung cấp cho các bậc cha mẹ đủ điều kiện đã được yêu cầu trả tiền cấp dưỡng. Nếu phụ huynh tham gia thanh toán đúng hạn liên tục cho nghĩa vụ cấp dưỡng hiện tại hoặc thanh toán một lần cho các khoản còn nợ, thì một phần số tiền TANF còn nợ sẽ được xóa.

Ayuda para los padres a los que se les ordena pagar la manutención (Help for Parents Ordered to Pay Support - Spanish)

Un padre es responsable de pagar toda la manutención de niños ordenada. Sin embargo, cuando a un padre se le ordena pagar manutención, pero experimenta dificultades, existen programas y otra información que puede ayudar al padre a cumplir con esta obligación.

Centro de Soluciones Alternativas

CSSD ha creado el Centro de Soluciones Alternativas (ASC) . ASC es un programa interno de referencia de servicio y desarrollo de la fuerza laboral para clientes en casos de CSSD. A través de ASC, los padres pueden participar en un programa de preparación para el trabajo; estar conectado a una variedad de servicios sociales o comunitarios; y recibir orientación en su búsqueda de un empleo estable a largo plazo.

Tribunal de paternidad

El  Tribunal de Paternidad  es un programa que ofrece nuevas oportunidades a los padres a los que se les ordena pagar manutención para que puedan mantener mejor a sus hijos. El programa ofrece capacitación laboral, consejería, servicios de empleo y acceso judicial. Los participantes serán educados, aconsejados y alentados a poner las necesidades de sus hijos en primer lugar.

Nuevo comienzo

Fresh Start  es un programa de condonación de atrasos que se ofrece a los padres calificados a quienes se les ordenó pagar la manutención. Si el padre participante realiza pagos puntuales consecutivos sobre la obligación de manutención actual o realiza un pago global para cubrir los atrasos, se perdonará una parte de los atrasos de TANF adeudados.

양육비 지급 명령을 받은 부모를 위한 지원 (Help for Parents Ordered to Pay Support - Korean)

부모는 명령된 자녀 양육비를 모두 지불할 책임이 있습니다. 그러나 부모가 양육비를 지불하라는 명령을 받았지만 어려움을 겪는 경우 부모가 이 의무를 이행하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 프로그램 및 기타 정보가 있습니다.

대체 솔루션 센터

CSSD는 대체 솔루션 센터(ASC)를 만들었습니다 . ASC는 CSSD 케이스의 고객을 위한 사내 인력 개발 및 서비스 소개 프로그램입니다. ASC를 통해 부모는 직업 준비 훈련 프로그램에 참여할 수 있습니다. 다양한 사회 또는 지역 사회 서비스에 연결되어 있어야 합니다. 장기적이고 안정적인 고용을 추구할 때 지도를 받습니다.

아버지 법원

아버지  법원은  자녀를 더 잘 부양할 수 있도록 부양비를 지불하라는 명령을 받은 부모에게 새로운 기회를 제공하는 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 직업 훈련, ​​상담, 고용 서비스 및 사법 접근을 제공합니다. 참여자들은 자녀의 필요를 최우선으로 하도록 교육, 상담 및 격려를 받습니다.

신선한 시작

Fresh Start  는 양육비를 지불하라는 명령을 받은 유자격 부모에게 제공되는 체납금 탕감 프로그램입니다. 참여하는 부모가 현재 양육 의무에 대해 연속적으로 적시에 지불하거나 연체금에 대한 일시불을 지불하면 TANF 연체금의 일부가 탕감됩니다.