News & Updates

Expanding the Cure the Streets Violence Reduction Program

Yesterday, I announced that the Cure the Streets violence reduction program, which we launched in 2018, will expand with four new program sites in Congress Heights, Brightwood Park/Petworth, Sursum Corda/Ivy City, and Historic Anacostia/Fairlawn.

Topics: Other

Consumers: Watch Out for Phishing Scam Attempts Using Uber

OAG has learned of recent phishing scams in the District that we believe are connected to the use of Uber.

AG Racine's Brief: Reforms at the DC Jail are Long Overdue

Recent reports of squalid conditions in the District’s jail are unfortunately not new. But they should finally serve as a clarion call to District leaders to take bold action. Instead of making modest improvements to our crumbling jail, the District must use this moment to take a different…

Topics: Other

Suing Mark Zuckerberg and Holding CEOs Accountable

In October, I added Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to a lawsuit I filed in 2018 suing Facebook. Our lawsuit goes after Facebook for deceiving its consumers about the steps Facebook would take to protect user data. These failures to put in place safeguards…

Topics: Other

Working for the District for the Next 15 Months

Serving the city I love as the District’s first elected attorney general has been the honor of my life. Throughout my tenure, I’ve worked to amplify the voices of those across the city who aren’t always heard while building a strong, independent office. And I will keep doing that work for the…

Topics: Other

Hosting the 2021 NAAG Presidential Summit

This week, I hosted the NAAG Presidential Summit, which focused on taking the politics out of hate by bringing together Democratic, Republican, and Independent state and territory attorneys general to address hate and hate-related violence nationwide. Law enforcement leaders, community advocates…

Topics: Other

Staying Safe This Weekend & Combating Hate

The District has faced a great deal over the past year and a half. This weekend, we are expecting people to come to our city to hold a rally supporting the extremists who stormed the Capitol as part of the January 6 insurrection. I know many across the District are anxious and upset about this…

Topics: Other

Protecting Workers' Rights

At my office, we work every day to stand up for District workers who may not always have a voice, including by fighting wage theft and protecting workers’ rights. Since 2017, my office has opened over 50 wage theft investigations, and has recovered more than $3.2 million in restitution for…

Topics: Worker Rights

Protegiendo Los Derechos de Los Trabajadores y Reportar Violaciones de Robo de Salario

En la Oficina del Fiscal General (OAG- Office of the Attorney General), trabajamos todos los días para abogar y proteger los trabajadores del Distrito que muchas veces no tienen una voz, incluyéndose para reportar robos de salarios, proteger sus derechos, y fiscalizando a patronos si violentan…

Topics: Worker Rights