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Press Release

AG Racine Sues Trump Administration Over Backdoor Attempt To Gut Affordable Care Act And Decimate State Insurance Markets

Attorney General Karl A. Racine, as part of a 12-state coalition, today sued the Trump Administration to stop a backdoor attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Urges Congress To Boost Cybersecurity To Protect U.S. Elections

Attorney General Karl A. Racine and a bipartisan coalition of 21 attorneys general are urging congressional leaders to improve cybersecurity and protect the integrity of future U.S. elections against.

Topics: Other
Press Release

Statement from AG Racine on Court's Historic Ruling in Emoluments Lawsuit

Attorney General Karl A. Racine issued a statement on today’s favorable ruling from a federal court in the lawsuit brought by the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland seeking to stop President Trump from violating the Constitution’s anti-corruption provisions.

Press Release

Fiscal General Racine Exige Respuestas Del ICE Sobre Medidas Drásticas En Contra De La Inmigración En DC

El fiscal general Karl A. Racine envió una carta al Director Interino del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de los Estados Unidos (ICE), Ronald D. Vitiello, mediante la que exigía respuestas sobre las denuncias locales de numerosos residentes del Distrito que indican que las…

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Demands Answers from ICE on Immigration Crackdowns in DC

Attorney General Karl A. Racine sent a letter to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Ronald D. Vitiello demanding answers about local reports of a dozen District residents in predominantly Latino communities being taken into ICE custody.

Topics: Immigration

Charity Check: Don’t be deceived by sham charities claiming to help veterans and service members

Most of these charities live up to fundraising promises, but a few attract donations by lying about the support they deliver. 

Press Release

AG Racine Presses Trump Administration to Release Crucial Data to Protect Student Borrowers

Attorney General Karl A. Racine is calling on U.S. Department of Education (ED) Secretary Betsy DeVos to stop holding back student loan information that helps states protect student borrowers and stop delaying disclosure rules that will help students avoid predatory schools.

Press Release

Attorney General Racine Announces Senior Leadership Hires

Attorney General Karl A. Racine announced today the addition of several members to leadership positions within the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Urges Council to Support Legislation to Address Opioid Crisis and Public Safety

Attorney General Karl A. Racine and Chief Deputy Attorney General Natalie O. Ludaway today testified during two Council committee hearings in favor of multiple bills designed to improve public safety in the District.

Topics: Public Safety

OAG Testimony on Bill 22-766, the Substance Abuse and Opioid Overdose Prevention Amendment Act of 2018, & B22-0687, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Task Force Act of 2018

Statement of Attorney General Karl A. Racine Bill 22-766, the Substance Abuse and Opioid Overdose Prevention Amendment Act of 2018  Bill 22-0687, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Task Force Act of 2018  

Topics: Public Safety