News & Updates

Protecting Evidence-Based Programs that Reduce Teen Pregnancy

Every District resident should be able to pursue the future of their choice, including whether and when to start a family.

Topics: Other

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Marjorie McKenzie Lawson

Marjorie McKenzie Lawson broke new legal ground for women in the District and across the country, serving as the first black female judge in D.C. and the first black woman appointed to the Juvenile Court bench by a president.

Topics: Other

Women's History Month: Patricia M. Wald

Judge Wald was a pioneer for women in law, serving as the first woman appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and the first woman to serve as its chief judge.

Topics: Other

5 Tips to Avoid Computer Tech Scams

Do you get pop-up messages on your computer screen that tell you to call tech support? Ignore them—it’s likely a scam!

5 Tips for Managing Your Student Loans

This week, AG Racine partnered with the Student Borrower Protection Center to host a training session for District government employees and residents to learn about repayment plans and loan forgiveness programs.

Standing Up for Asylum-Seekers: Opposing Trump’s “Turnback Policy”

AG Racine joined a coalition of 20 AGs in opposing The Trump administration’s new "Turnback Policy," which unlawfully denies individuals access to the asylum process at ports of entry and turns them away.

Topics: Immigration

Black History Month: Celebrating Charlotte E. Ray

Charlotte E. Ray became the first African-American woman to graduate from a law school, and the first to formally practice law in the United States.

Topics: Other

Black History Month: Celebrating Charles Hamilton Houston

Learn about Charles Hamilton Houston, the man famously known in history as “The Man Who Killed Jim Crow.”

Topics: Other

Standing Up for Student Survivors of Sexual Violence

The Trump administration is trying to make it harder for student survivors of sexual harassment and violence to get justice—AG Racine is fighting back.

Topics: Public Safety