News & Updates

Standing Up for Fair, Safe, and Equitable Housing in the District

It’s been a busy few weeks advocating for housing justice here at the Office of Attorney General. We’ve had two significant wins: Passing emergency legislation to reform the DC Housing Authority and securing the largest housing discrimination penalty in U.S. history.

Topics: Tenant Rights

CONSUMER ALERT: Avoid Using Unencrypted Messaging Sites Like Facebook Messenger to Communicate About Seeking Abortion Services

While abortion remains fully legal in the District, consumers and those seeking abortions should be aware of how others may use their data, and they should take steps to protect themselves and their data and privacy.

We Are Suing a Major Chemical Manufacturer for Harming DC Residents

Environmental justice is intertwined with racial justice. By filing this lawsuit, we’re standing up for communities of color, who, far too often, bear the brunt of pollution, as they did in this case.

Aid for Local Groups on the Front Lines of the Migrant Humanitarian Crisis

Our office has a strong track record of standing up for immigrants and taking action to improve public safety across the District. In response to the Texas and Arizona Governors’ callous decision to bus thousands of migrants to the District, we created a new grant program to provide immediate…

Topics: Other

CONSUMER ALERT: D.C. Office of the Attorney General Warns Consumers about Misinformation from Loan Servicers About Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

If you have federal student loan debt and work in public service, you may already qualify for loan forgiveness—or you may be closer to qualifying than you think. But the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia (OAG) has learned that at least one student loan servicer has…

Topics: Consumer Alerts

Celebrating Labor Day & the Workers Who Keep DC Running

Labor Day was created in the late 19th century—at a time when workers were often taken advantage of, not paid enough, and overworked. Many of them faced unsafe working conditions.

Getting Ghost Guns Off Our Streets

Last week, we won a major victory for District residents and public safety: a court permanently banned ghost gun manufacturer Polymer80 from selling untraceable firearms and build-at-home gun kits to DC residents. And the court ordered Polymer80 to pay $4 million in penalties—the maximum…

Fighting for Elder Justice so Older DC Residents Can Live with Dignity

Last Thursday, I joined AARP DC State Director Louis Davis, Jr. and more than a hundred DC residents for a conversation about how our office prioritizes combatting exploitation of older District residents, how to help protect our older neighbors from financial abuse and scams, and how we can…

CONSUMER ALERT: Flea and Tick Prevention Pet Products Containing Dangerous TCVP

We seek tick and flea protection for our pets because ticks and fleas both annoy our pets and can carry serious diseases that affect our pets and us. However, many tick and flea collars seen in stores contain TCVP – a dangerous chemical that presents serious health risks to our pets, children,…

Defending Workers So Everyone Gets Their Hard-Earned Wages and Benefits

Workers are the backbone of the District and help make our city run. My office works hard every day to stand up for District workers and ensure that they aren’t taken advantage of or mistreated by their employers. We make sure workers receive the wages and benefits that they are entitled to,…

Topics: Worker Rights