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Prepared Remarks: Facebook Enforcement Action Press Call

Delivered by Attorney General Karl A. Racine

CONSUMER ALERT: Protect Your Personal Information on Social Media

Today, Attorney General Karl A. Racine filed a lawsuit against Facebook for failing to protect users’ personal information and allowing companies to harvest information without users’ consent.

Press Release

AG Racine Sues Facebook for Failing to Protect Millions of Users' Data

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today sued Facebook, Inc. for failing to protect its users’ data, enabling abuses like one that exposed nearly half of all District residents’ data to manipulation for political purposes during the 2016 election.


District residents should be on the lookout for scammers making telephone calls claiming to be with Pepco.

Press Release

AG Racine Sues Six Maryland Parents for Residency Fraud At D.C. Schools, Seeks Nearly $700K in Unpaid Tuition and Damages

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced lawsuits against six Maryland parents for falsifying District residency to send their children to District schools for free.

Press Release

Fiscal General Racine combate propuesta de ley sobre “carga pública” de la Administración Trump que ataca a inmigrantes legales y sus familias

El Fiscal General Karl A. Racine presentó ayer comentarios oponiéndose firmemente a una ley propuesta por la Administración Trump que podría forzar a miles de inmigrantes legales del Distrito y millones a nivel nacional a arriesgar su futuro estatus migratorio legal si acceden a servicios…

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Fights Trump Administration "Public Charge" Rule Proposal Attacking Legal Immigrants and Their Families

Attorney General Karl A. Racine yesterday filed comments strongly opposing a proposed Trump Administration rule that could force thousands of legal immigrants in the District and millions nationwide to risk their future legal immigration status if they access basic services for themselves and…

Topics: Immigration

Holiday Shopping Tips: 8 Ways to Avoid Being Scammed this Season

Holiday shopping is in full swing and Americans are expected to spend an eye-popping 720 billion dollars this season.

Working to Stop Harmful and Annoying Robocalls

5.1 billion robocalls were made nationwide in November 2018. That’s up from the 2.7 billion in November 2017.

Press Release

AG Racine Announces Midland to Pay $6 Million for Illegal Debt Collection Practices

Attorney General Karl A. Racine announced today that the District of Columbia has joined 42 states in a $6 million settlement with Encore Capital Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries, Midland Credit Management, Inc. and Midland Funding, LLC (Midland) for using illegal tactics to collect unverified…