News & Updates

#RelationshipGoals: OAG’s Teen Dating Violence Summit

In recognition of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and in response to increased requests for school trainings, our office hosted a #RelationshipGoals Teen Summit in February to teach D.C. students healthy relationship habits.

Topics: Public Safety

CONSUMER ALERT: Beware of Coronavirus Scams

As public health concerns grow about coronavirus (COVID-19), scammers may try to take advantage of consumers.

Don’t Fall For These Tax Scams!

By now, you’ve probably received your W-2 and are ready to file your taxes, but be careful!

Newsletter: #RelationshipGoals

Everyone deserves healthy, happy, and safe relationships. Yet in 2019, one in ten District high school students experienced physical violence from someone they were dating.

Topics: Public Safety

CONSUMER ALERT: ‘Getaround’ App Users Report Auto Thefts

Do you use the car sharing application called “Getaround” to rent your vehicle and make some extra cash? Use the app with caution.

On Data Privacy Day, Protect Your Privacy Online

As we live more and more of our lives online, we are all increasingly subject to being tracked.

Fighting Human Trafficking

Since 2004, the D.C. Human Trafficking Task Force has brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to fight human trafficking, the heinous crime where victims are forced to engage in labor or commercial sexual exploitation.

Topics: Public Safety

Newsletter: Win for Workers

In a big win for District workers, our office announced that Power Design—a major electrical contractor—will pay $2.75 million to resolve a wage theft and worker misclassification case. 

Topics: Worker Rights

Sex Trafficking: Learn the Signs. Stop the Crime.

Sex traffickers can target anyone, a friend or a family member, and children are most at risk. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about sex trafficking. 

Topics: Public Safety

Newsletter: Fighting District Polluters

Air pollution harms the health of thousands of people who live in, work in, and visit the District of Columbia—especially children, the elderly, and communities of color.