News & Updates

Shopping for a rental property? Beware of fake listings!

Fraudsters are increasingly using fake listings to steal money and financial information from people who are on the hunt for great deals on long-term leases and short-term vacation rentals.

Child Support Amnesty: Helping Parents Get Back on Track to Support Their Kids

OAG is rolling out a few special initiatives designed to give parents the tools they need to support their children.

Topics: Child Support

Charity Check: Don’t be deceived by sham charities claiming to help veterans and service members

Most of these charities live up to fundraising promises, but a few attract donations by lying about the support they deliver. 

Strapped for cash? Beware of high-cost loans disguised as a check

A growing number of financial companies are mass-mailing checks to consumers across the country, making it easy for them to accept a high-interest loan just by signing the check.


District residents should be on the lookout for scammers impersonating DC Water technicians.