News & Updates

AG Racine Secures $70,000 Settlement with “Express Homebuyers” After Company Sends Deceptive Letters to District Homeowners

Have you received a letter from Express Homebuyers claiming that you owe past due property taxes and must act quickly to prevent your home from being lost to tax sale or foreclosure? OAG reached a settlement to stop this deception by Express Homebuyers.

Press Release

AG Racine Announces Major Legislative Victories that Will Protect Civil Rights, Improve Public Health and Safety

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced several legislative victories, including new bills that strengthen the Office of the Attorney General’s ability to bring civil rights cases, increase the Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) ability to recruit officers who understand community…

Topics: Other

Financial Safety During the Holidays: Tips to Avoid Being Scammed this Season

Whether you’re shopping online or in person, every year thousands of people become victims of holiday scams.

Topics: Consumer Alerts
Press Release

AG Racine Announces Major Victory in Eminent Domain Case, Saving District Taxpayers $35 Million

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced the largest eminent domain victory in District history, securing $35 million in savings for the city, which took the property from Jemal’s Buzzards Point to replace the old South Capitol Street Bridge with the new Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge…

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Announces First-Of-Its-Kind Settlement Keeping Apartment Complex Affordable for 25 Years & Preventing Displacement of Ward 5 Tenants

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has reached a first-of-its-kind settlement that will stop the planned displacement of long-time District residents and preserve affordable housing at a Ward 5 property for 25 years.

Topics: Tenant Rights

The DC Housing Authority is Failing Residents. Here’s How it Needs to Improve.

The consequences of DCHA’s mismanagement and failures couldn’t be more serious. Thousands of DC residents have been denied access to safe, stable housing because of DCHA’s dysfunction.

Topics: Tenant Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Releases New Report Calling for Increased Independence At DC Housing Authority

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today released a report detailing the lack of independence at the D.C. Housing Authority (DCHA) and calling for reforms to the agency’s governance.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Releases New Report Calling for Increased Independence at DC Housing Authority

AG Racine released a report detailing the lack of independence at the D.C. Housing Authority and calling for reforms to the agency’s governance.

Topics: Tenant Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Releases Final 8-Year Report Showing Growth and Impact of the Office of the Attorney General Since 2015

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today released a new, comprehensive report highlighting the breadth of work of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) over the past eight years.  

Consumer Alert: Drive Safe This Holiday Season

While impaired driving fatalities tragically occur year-round, evidence shows that the holiday season is a particularly dangerous time on the roadways.