News & Updates

Press Release

AG Schwalb Secures Settlement With Fin-Tech Lender to Safeguard District Consumers From Deceptive Practices

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced a settlement with SoLo Funds Inc. (SoLo), an online fin-tech platform that facilitates and advertises loans to District consumers, which resolves allegations that SoLo deceived consumers about the true cost of the loans on its platform and…

Press Release

AG Schwalb Leads 11 Attorneys General Urging Federal Action to Address Health and Safety Risks of Gas Stoves

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today led 11 Attorneys General in calling on the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) – the federal agency responsible for regulating the safety of US consumer products – to address the public health and safety dangers of gas stoves, highlighting…

Press Release

AG Schwalb Compels Owners of District Apartment Complexes – Including Foster House and Marbury Plaza – to Remedy Housing Conditions

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced successful outcomes in three separate cases against the owners of four residential properties in the District – Foster House, Marbury Plaza, Garfield Court Apartments, and Concorde Gardens – each of whom failed to comply with previous court…

Topics: Tenant Rights
Press Release

AG Schwalb Protects DC Residents From Unsafe Medical & Dental Providers

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced the successful resolution of three enforcement cases against licensed medical and dental providers who, in violation of DC laws, were endangering District residents. As a result of enforcement actions by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG),…

Topics: Other

Protecting DC Kids from Dangerous E-Cigarettes

The Office of Attorney General (OAG) prioritizes protecting the health and safety of District youth. Data and common sense tell us that kids who grow up in a safe and healthy environment are much more likely to be successful in school, to develop the skills to become independent…

Press Release

AG Schwalb Leads Coalition Urging US Supreme Court to Protect Public Safety & Victims of Domestic Abuse

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today urged the US Supreme Court to hear an important case to preserve states’ authority to bar individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders from accessing guns. In an amicus brief filed in United States v. Rahimi, a coalition of 25 attorneys…

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Schwalb Announces Agreement to Enhance Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced that a proposed settlement has been reached in the lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its failure to ensure that Pennsylvania reduce its contribution of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including the Potomac…

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Schwalb Statement on US House of Representatives' Vote to Overturn District Law that Improves Public Safety

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today released the following statement regarding the US House of Representatives’ vote to overturn the District’s Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Schwalb Leads 18 Attorneys General Supporting US Federal Trade Commission Rule to Ban Workplace Non-Competes

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today led 18 Attorneys General in submitting a comment in support of the United States Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed rule banning workplace non-competes. The comment discusses how non-compete clauses harm…

Topics: Worker Rights
Press Release

AG Schwalb Secures $835,000 from Construction Company that Denied Workers Sick Leave and Benefits

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced that Maryland Applicators, a construction company that operates throughout the District of Columbia, will pay $835,000 to the District to resolve allegations that the company intentionally misclassified its employees as…

Topics: Worker Rights