All children have the right to financial support from both parents, which can provide them with the best chance at a bright future. The Office of the Attorney General’s Child Support Services Division (CSSD) can help you get this support for your child by establishing parentage, securing a child support order, and collecting child support payments.
- If your children do not receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medicaid benefits, just fill out an online child support enrollment form and CSSD staff will contact you with next steps. Click here to start your child support enrollment form.
- If you do receive TANF or Medicaid, please contact CSSD by phone or email for further information.
If you have any questions, please contact Child Support Services at (202) 442-9900 or email us at cssdcustomerservice@dc.gov.
Frequently Asked Questions -- CSSD Services
Why should I use Child Support Services to help with securing support for my child?
It is important to have a legal document that ensures your child is financially supported by both parents, and CSSD can help walk you through the process with patience and compassion. Adults may have their differences, but it is important to take the necessary legal steps to put the welfare of the child first.
What services does Child Support Services provide?
- Establishing parentage or paternity
- Locating a parent
- Establishing a court order for financial child support
- Collecting child support payments
- Establishing health insurance benefits
Do I make too much money for Child Support Services to help me?
There is no income requirement to apply for CSSD services. Instead of hiring an expensive, private attorney, let Child Support Services help you with its talented team of attorneys and casework staff as well as established relationships with other states and the federal government.
My child support order is from a divorce or custody hearing, but I am not getting child support regularly. Can you help me?
When you enroll for child support services, not only does CSSD work with the other parent's employer(s), we also have many tools to help secure the financial support provided in the order, including:
- Seizing tax returns
- Denying or revoking passports
- Seizing lottery winnings
- Denying or revoking a driver’s license
- Placing a lien on property
- Notifying credit reporting companies
- Freezing and seizing bank accounts